High Definition video - Colour. 33 mins duration - here is a 5-minute extract. Language: Italian, with English subtitles. Stereo sound, 48 Khz, 24 bit.
Director: Editor, & Soundtrack: Anne-Marie Creamer. Cast: The Narrator: Norman Mozzato. The Mother: Simona Senzacqua. The Chorus: Simone Douani, Nadia Ostacchini & Lara Permiani Technical: Lighting technician, Teatro Valle: Saba Kasmai. Soundtrack: mastered by Enrico Pinna at Quadra Recording Studios, London.
"During a Scholarship at the British School at Rome I adapted a 1935 text by Italian writer Luigi Pirandello called Treatment for Six Characters. Written over 10 years this was intended to be a precursor to Pirandello’s seminal 1921 meta-play Six Characters in Search of an Author; had it been realised the film was to feature a fictional version of the development of his play, allowing Pirandello to explore the ethics of the creative process.
It presents a famous author - clearly based on Pirandello himself – who meets a family who become unwitting catalysts for his imagination. He behaves destructively with tragic consequences. Tantalisingly Pirandello's text concludes with the historical premier of Six Characters at Teatro Valle, Rome’s oldest working theatre. Together the play and the film form an innovative temporal loop precisely united in place by the complex presence of the stage at Teatro Valle.
Apart from one sequence the locations of my film were lit and filmed without actors, part of a deliberately oblique approach intended to propose a ‘cinema of the mind’: I considered Pirandello’s film a kind of ruin and not intending to make his film in its entirety I set out to construct my work around the paradoxical lures and failures of another, absent film.
The film is narrated by veteran Italian actor Norman Mozzato, also featuring Pirandello’s home in Rome, Studio di Luigi Pirandello and iconic Italian fashion atelier Fondazione Micol Fontana. At the time of production the influential Teatro Valle was under occupation, by Fondazione Teatro Valle Occupato who collaborated with me, and gave me on-going access to the theatre. Pirandello’s film is then not just set in the locations he wished but also within a newly intense social and political space whose urgencies add new dimensions to Pirandello’s unrealized project."
An information pack about the work can be downloaded at this link: AMCREAMER.TREATMENTFORSIXCHARACTERS.infopack..pdf

You can read an interview about the work with the Pirandello Society of America Journal, at this link: PSA_XXVII.AMCREAMER INTERVIEW.Text.Final.pdf.
Please note that this article has been citedwith the kind agreement from the Pirandello Society of America, please see this link for further information. http://www.pirandellosocietyofamerica.org
This image was filmed at Teatre Valle, the theatre Six Characters premiered at in 1921. At the time of filming the theatre was under occupation by Fondazione Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome.

Treatment for Six Characters is not yet in the public domain but has been the subject of a private screening event at The Drawing Room Gallery, London courtesy of Tannery Arts, and was screened at the Italian Cultural Institute, London in Autumn 2015, and was later presented in a special event at the British School at Rome, British Academy. Further events, exhibitions and published articles are currently being planned.
This image was filmed at Teatre Valle, the theatre Six Characters premiered at in 1921. At the time of filming the theatre was under occupation by Fondazione Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome.

Filmed at the Fondazione Micol Fontana, Rome
Made with the kind support of:
British School at Rome, Derek Hill Scholarship; Fondazione Micol Fontana, Rome; Fondazione Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome; Istituto di Studi Pirandelliani e sul Teatro Contemporaneo - Studio di Luigi Pirandello, Rome
The other generous supporters of this work can be found here

Filmed at Pirandello's home in Rome, Studio di Luigi Pirandello, Rome
An information pack about the work can be downloaded at this link: AMCREAMER.TREATMENTFORSIXCHARACTERS.infopack.website.pdf

Filmed at Pirandello's home, the Istituto di Studi Pirandelliani e sul Teatro Contemporaneo - Studio di Luigi Pirandello, Rome

Filmed at Pirandello's home, the Istituto di Studi Pirandelliani e sul Teatro Contemporaneo - Studio di Luigi Pirandello, Rome

Actress, Simona Senzacqua, starring as The Mother.
Filmed at Teatre Valle, the theatre Six Characters premiered at in 1921. At the time of filming the theatre was under occupation by Fondazione Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome.

Filmed at Teatre Valle, the theatre Six Characters premiered at in 1921. At the time of filming the theatre was under occupation by Fondazione Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome.

Filmed at Teatre Valle, the theatre Six Characters premiered at in 1921. At the time of filming the theatre was under occupation by Fondazione Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome.

Filmed at Teatre Valle, the theatre Six Characters premiered at in 1921. At the time of filming the theatre was under occupation by Fondazione Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome.

This image was filmed from the roof of The British School at Rome, Rome.

Filmed at Teatre Valle, the theatre Six Characters premiered at in 1921. At the time of filming the theatre was under occupation by Fondazione Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome.

Filmed at Teatre Valle, the theatre Six Characters premiered at in 1921. At the time of filming the theatre was under occupation by Fondazione Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome.