Kome til deg i Tidende, a meta newspaper, co-curatorial project with Lars Sture and Kjetil Berge
Front of issue 2 of 'Kom Til Deg I Tidende'
Kome Til deg i Tidende press release, statement
Anne-Marie's work for issue 1 of the newspaper
Part of Anne-Marie's work for issue 2 of the newspaper
Part of Anne-Marie's work for issue 2 of the newspaper
aiPotu – Anders Kjellesvik/Andreas Siqueland for the newspaper
Jeremy Millar, Guy Moreton & Alec Finlay in issue 2 of the newspaper
The work of Alex Hartley in issue 2 in the newspaper
Annika Strøm, for the newspaper
Bjørn Venø: Audie Murphy, for issue 1 of newspaper
Benedict Drew for the newspaper
S. E. Barnet & Anne-Marie Stenseth, from the newspaper, issue 1
The work of Adam Chodzko for the newspaper
The work of Tania Kovats for the newspaper
Clunie Reid for the newspaper
Julie Verhoeven for the newspaper
Kome til deg i Tidende, a meta newspaper, co-curatorial project with Lars Sture and Kjetil Berge
Kome til deg i Tidende, a meta newspaper, co-curatorial project with Lars Sture and Kjetil Berge

(image credit: Bob & Roberto Smith, for issue 2 of the project)

Kome til deg i Tidende, a meta newspaper is an artist curated project to mark the launch of a new building for the Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum in western Norway. 

A project led by Lars Sture (Bergen Academy of Art and Design, curating course), with the curatorial team of artists-curators Anne-Marie Creamer and Kjetil Berge.

Anne-Marie also had work in the newspaper, The Oldest Man in Sogh og Fjordane, Parts 1 & 2.


Project dedicated web-site: gettingtoyoutidende.wordpress.com


Contributors to the first issue:
Georg Arnestad, Kjetil Berge, Bob & Roberta Smith, Alexandre da Cunha, Julien Discrit/ Olivia Grandperrin, Anne-Marie Creamer, Alex Hartley/ NOWHEREISLAND, gruppe MIM, aiPotu - Kjellesvik/Siqueland, Oddleiv Apneseth – Oddvar Torsheim, Andrea Lange, Marius Moldvaer, Clunie Reid, Hans Jakob Reite, Anne Lise Stenseth, Annika Strøm, Bjorn Veno, Anne Viken, Sveinung Rudjord Unneland, Julie Verhoeven.

Contributors to second issue:

Kjetil Berge; Patrick Brill/ Bob and Roberta Smith; Alexandre Da Cuhna; Adam Chodzko; Anne-Marie Creamer; Christian Finne; Andrea Lange; gruppe Mim; Alex Hartley/ Nowhereisland;  Erlend Hammer, (editor of Kunstkritik, interview with Sogn go Fjordane writers Hans Jakob Reite, Anne Vike & Georg Arnestad); Tania Kovats; Jeremy MiIllar/ Guy Moreton/ Alec Finlay; Marius Moldvaer; Annika  Strøm; Ann-Lise Stenseth; Bjorn Veno; Julie Verhoeven.


The Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum is opening a new museum of Contemporary Art in western Norway, opening September 8th 2012, and the news of this is being spread via an new artist project, the special publication of two issues of Kome til deg i Tidende, a meta newspaper (Getting to you Tidende).  The Norwegian the word ‘tidende’, whose stem is tide, means both the word 'journal' as well as conveying a sense of the act of bringing both time and news, so that Kome til deg i Tidende, directly translated, means ‘getting to you in time’.

Kome til deg i Tidende is an experiment: an art project arriving on doorstep of 55,000 households in the region; we hope to develop new ways to connect the museum to fresh possibilities both in the Sogn og Fjordane region and across the world.  Kome til deg i Tidende uses the mosaic form of a newspaper through which artists and writers have been encouraged to finds new ways to explore the region, it’s context and meaning, in the process revealing new histories, urgencies and relationships.  Each issue will feature a searching, playful exploration of two fundamental questions and propositions - What is the News? and Why are you here?  

The urgency of the question What is the News? is explored in this first issue by a newspaper consisting entirely of first pages.  Artists and writers have responded with a wide span of approaches and writings, the use of front-page giving a heightened and distilled version of the news.  Stories told in this issue will unfold further in our next issue called Why are you here? which will also include British artist Tania Kovats’ response to the region after a short residency with project partner Nordic Artists Centre, Dale, writings by Jeremy Millar and Charles Esche, as well as works by artists Alex Hartley and Adam Chodzko, amongst others. 

Lars Sture, with Kjetil Berge, Anne-Marie Creamer

Kjetil Berge is an artist/curator based between London and Lofoten (N); Anne-Marie Creamer is a London based artist/curator (UK); Lars Sture is an artist/curator based between London and Solund (N)


Kome til deg i Tidende in distribution:

Good News: The 'Publish and Be Damned' (http://www.publishandbedamned.org/) are including the Kome til deg i Tidende meta newspaper project, (co-curated by Lars Sturewith Anne-Marie and Kjetil Berge), in the forthcoming “Index, Nordic Models at the Swedish Art fair”, Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation. PABD have expressed the intention to include “Kome til deg i Tidende” in their future projects as well. 

Also, the Bergen Kunsthalle, Bergen and Museum Stavanger, Norway, along with Donlon Books London who all be selling both issues of “Kome til deg i Tidende“ shortly. 

UP-Date: Issues of Kome til deg i Tidende have now been sold out. 


Contact email: tidende@broadpark.no

Web: http://gettingtoyoutidende.wordpress.com/ 

Sogn og Fjodane Kunstmuseum: www.sfk.museum.no/

Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum 


University of the Arts London

Front of issue 2 of 'Kom Til Deg I Tidende'
Front of issue 2 of 'Kom Til Deg I Tidende'
Kome Til deg i Tidende press release, statement
Kome Til deg i Tidende press release, statement
Anne-Marie's work for issue 1 of the newspaper
Anne-Marie's work for issue 1 of the newspaper

This relates to Anne-Marie's work The Oldest Man in Sogh og Fjordane, part 1

Part of Anne-Marie's work for issue 2 of the newspaper
Part of Anne-Marie's work for issue 2 of the newspaper
Part of Anne-Marie's work for issue 2 of the newspaper
Part of Anne-Marie's work for issue 2 of the newspaper

Anne-Marie's work is on the right hand side, Bjorn Veno's work on the left.

aiPotu – Anders Kjellesvik/Andreas Siqueland for the newspaper
aiPotu – Anders Kjellesvik/Andreas Siqueland for the newspaper
Jeremy Millar, Guy Moreton & Alec Finlay in issue 2 of the newspaper
Jeremy Millar, Guy Moreton & Alec Finlay in issue 2 of the newspaper
The work of Alex Hartley in issue 2 in the newspaper
The work of Alex Hartley in issue 2 in the newspaper
Annika Strøm, for the newspaper
Annika Strøm, for the newspaper
Bjørn Venø: Audie Murphy, for issue 1 of newspaper
Bjørn Venø: Audie Murphy, for issue 1 of newspaper
Benedict Drew for the newspaper
Benedict Drew for the newspaper
S. E. Barnet & Anne-Marie Stenseth, from the newspaper, issue 1
S. E. Barnet & Anne-Marie Stenseth, from the newspaper, issue 1

S. E. Barnet

Anne-Marie Stenseth

The work of Adam Chodzko for the newspaper
The work of Adam Chodzko for the newspaper
The work of Tania Kovats for the newspaper
The work of Tania Kovats for the newspaper
Clunie Reid for the newspaper
Clunie Reid for the newspaper
Julie Verhoeven for the newspaper
Julie Verhoeven for the newspaper